Mercy Behavioral Health and Employee Assistance Program Offers Services to Help You Thrive.

We are dedicated to ensuring your employees or members can be at their very best, both at work and at home. In addition to our core products, we offer a full range of services to help you maximize your behavioral health benefits.

Behavioral Health Call Center
Staffed 24/7 by experienced nurses, counselors and behavioral health experts, our call center allows for a quick response to telephone inquiries. We identify and triage emergencies, while directing people to the most appropriate, effective services.

Case and Disease Management
As with any health issue, when it comes to mental health, follow-up is key. We provide in-depth coordination of benefits and treatments for your members, ensuring they’re connected to the right specialists and are complying with appropriate treatments. Combined with ongoing education and coaching, it’s the best way to improve outcomes – and reduce costs.

Comprehensive Behavioral Health Provider Network
Mercy has a fully contracted and credentialed network of behavioral health professionals and facilities. By providing your employees with access to this network, you ensure the quality of care they receive while containing costs. Mercy works with you to ensure network adequacy and meet the needs of your membership.

Call SAM
This groundbreaking service provides a 24/7 “screening and support protocol” to high school and middle school students. Staffed by mental health experts, Call SAM helps identify clinical emergencies, directs students to resources and offers other responsive interventions.

Short-term Counseling
EAP/MAP offers clinical assessment, short term problem solving, support and guidance to help participants develop coping strategies in dealing with an issue.

Health and Life Coaching
We guide employees or members toward personal commitments in areas such as healthy living, work/life balance, dealing with change, and increasing optimism. Both individual and group formats are available.

Educational Seminars
In large or small group settings, we address a range of behavioral topics in the workplace. We introduce audiences to informative content and provide referrals or links to outside resources as necessary.

Using a structured approach, conflicts are addressed openly by facilitators, resulting in an improved work climate.

Click here to learn how we design a plan to keep your employees at their best.

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